Friday, March 29, 2019

Difference between ‘AND’ vs ‘&&’ as operator in PHP

The AND operator is called logical operator. It returns true if both the operands are true.


// Variable declaration and 
// initialization 
$a = 100; 
$b = 50; 

// Check two condition using 
// AND operator 
if ($a == 100 and $b == 10) 
echo "True"; 
echo "False"; 


Explanation: Since variable $a = 100 and another variable $b = 10, the condition $a == 100 evaluates to true and $b == 10 also evaluates to true. Therefore, ‘$a == 100 and $b == 10’ evaluates to true because AND logic states that if both the operands are true, then result also be true. But when the input $b = 20, the condition $b == 10 is false, so the AND operation result will be false.
‘&&’ Operator
The && operator is called logical operator. It returns true if both operands are true.


// Declare a variable and initialize it 
$a = 100; 
$b = 10; 

// Check the condition 
if ($a == 100 && pow($b, 2) == $a) 
echo "True"; 
echo "False"; 

Explanation: Since variable $a = 100 and another variable $b = 10, the condition $a == 100 evaluates to true and pow($b, 2) == $a also evaluates to true because $b = 10 raised to the power of 2 is 100 which is equal to $a. Therefore, ‘$a == 100 && pow($b, 2) == $a’ evaluates to true as AND logic states that only when both the operands are true, the AND operation result is true. But when the input $b = 20, the condition pow($b, 2) == $a is false, so the AND operation result is false.
Comparison between ‘AND’ and ;&&’ operator: There are some difference between both operator are listed below:
  • Based on Precedence: Precedence basically decides which operations are performed first in an expression. The precedence of ‘&&amp’ operator is high and the precedence of ‘AND’ operator is low.
  • Based on operation:

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